Tag Archives: Books

Seeking Help In Hard Times

In my last article, I wrote about how my day job furloughed me, and I decided to use the time away from work to try to become a full-time voice actor/audiobook narrator.


I’m still not there yet, and that means I’m not getting paid from either my job or my voice acting.  And that means I now have zero advertising budget.

What happens when you are forced to pull advertising for your product?

Zero sales.  Zero reads.  Zero interest.

For a writer, what else does that mean?  Renewed, deepened depression.

And things only got worse…

So, my wife and I are watching Big Bang Theory (stay with me, I promise this is relevant).  We’re in season 7.  And a couple days ago, we watched the episode where Penny gets an acting job on NCIS.  But when the episode debuts….her entire scene is cut.

Penny spirals into depression, having banked on this finally being her break that would lead to more acting roles.  She goes on a drunken rant to Leonard about how “I got this stupid temp waitress job until I made it, and I’m still there ten years later!   I’ve lived here for ten years, and I’ve got nothing to show for it!”

And…her words just hit me.  They resonated with me.  I never felt for her character quite as deeply as I did in that moment.

I’ve been a writer for 30 years.  I’ve been published for 8, with 9 novels on the market.  But I’ve never been profitable.  I’ve never been popular.  My books aren’t being reviewed.  I stopped advertising, and sales and Kindle Unlimited reads dropped to zero.

No one’s talking about my books.  No one’s spreading the word.

Does that mean they aren’t good enough?  Aren’t worth talking about?  I honestly don’t know anymore.

But I thought I’d ask you, dear reader, if you’d be willing to help me out, and it’ll cost you nothing.

Spread the word.  Tell others who are readers about my books.  Tell them why you like them and why you think they should read them!  And please leave reviews for them, on Amazon, Goodreads, wherever you can.

I feel like I’m being desperate here.  Maybe I am.  I just know that I feel like an utter failure as a writer, and unfortunately the only way to reverse that is for people to start talking and spreading the word.  I can’t do anything else right now.  It’s up to you.

To quote a famous princess, “you’re my only hope.”

But to try to help make it just a little easier, here’s some links you can share to help lead people to my work.

My Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jon-Wasik/author/B00X4Y6116

The Sword of Dragons (Fantasy Adventure) Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KY3HJBR

Project Sirius (YA Sci-Fi) Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHPN3FLG

Chronicles of the Sentinels (Urban Fantasy) Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0981NDFG1

Thank you.