Tag Archives: Video Games

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – To The Ends of the Universes

Back in 2022, I wrote a 3-part series about the impact that the Japanese RPG Final Fantasy 7 has had on me over the course of my life, and ended with a quick review of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, giving it a 9/10.  Since then, I’ve played through Remake a few more times, including the Intergrade DLC featuring Yuffie, and I’ve gotta say, I’ve upped my rating to a flat, impressive 10/10! The more I played it, and the more I understood the nuances of it, including the story elements that I was worried about, the more I fell in love with it!

So it is with a heavy heart that I write this review of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and reluctantly give the game a 7/10… Very very close to achieving an 8/10, and perhaps with time and replays, I’ll indeed up my rating to that. In this blog, I’ll be giving a detailed review of the highlights and failings (all a matter of personal opinion) of the game.

BE WARNED – SPOILERS AHEAD! If you have not completed Rebirth, and don’t want some pretty ground-shattering revelations spoiled, TURN BACK NOW!

With that said, I’ll conduct this review much like I once was taught to conduct peer reviews of writing – start with what I liked, segue into what I didn’t like, and then end on my overall impression.

Playing Through The Planet

Rebirth is a huge, HUGE game. Whereas a full play-through of Remake, exploring every nook and cranny, would last maybe 40 to 60 hours, my first play through of Rebirth lasted 96 hours! I didn’t know this was going to be the case when we started (we being my wife and I, since my wife watched), since we started right after it came out, but once we hit 30 hours and had barely progressed through the story, we looked it up, and realized we could expect up to 100 hours of game play!

The world. Is. MASSIVE.

And many of the characters in it are larger than life. Just as with Remake, loads of new characters were included in Rebirth, with at least one ‘major’ character being featured in each region as a sort of guiding post. Some side characters felt like stereotypical Square/Enix (Squeenix!) characters, but many had their own unique stories and were fully fleshed out. Some, such as Billy from the chocobo farms, showed up in multiple regions, and you got to see him grow as a person and help him through some pretty tough moments!

Speaking of which…CHOCOBOS! If you’re a chocobo fan, and you weren’t satisfied by their minor appearances in Remake, then you’ll be happy to know that they’re heavily featured in the new game, in multiple ways! First is that they’re a large part of your transportation around The Planet (apparently called Gaia in some of the other games). Each region contains a chocobo with a different skills, such as climbing walls or gliding.

Even Nanaki rides!

Better still is that, unlike the original FF7, your entire party is always visibly following you in Rebirth, and that includes mounting up on chocobos…so yeah, you see Red XIII/Nanaki on Chocoback! (Though why? I’d imagine he can keep up with any chocobo on his own…)

But beyond that are some of the in-world challenges with chocobos, such as completing several flying courses in record time around Cosmo Canyon. And then? The races!

Gear-up your chocobo!

In and of itself, I am highly impressed with the chocobo racing. It was fleshed out way more than in the original, and despite there being NUMEROUS courses, the racing never felt overly repetitive or boring. Plus the fact that you can actually see your chocobos stats, AND modify them with armor/gear, was a nice touch. I also thought it was a nice touch that they each had unique special abilities in the races!

I’ll admit that some of the choices to condense the world down a little, specifically on the first continent and the apparent proximity between Junon and Midgar, was a bit…jarring for long-time fans like me, but all in all, the size and scope of the world, and the ability to explore so much of it, was in many ways a dream come true. In other ways, not so much, but we’ll get to that in a bit.

And the music? Oh my goodness, the music was superb! There were all of the now-familiar updated versions of the old-school songs that we got to hear in Remake, and then there were remixes and remakes of them for Rebirth that just hit soooo well! And for the most part, I absolutely loved playing the piano mini-game! There were only two songs that I hated, one of which I never got better than a B on…. *grumble grumble* But mostly, as a musician, I found it fun and, in a way, it warmed my soul to be able to make music in-game.

A Story for the Ages

The main narrative of Rebirth was as good as you’d expect following Remake, and it does an incredible job of blending the original story with the new direction hinted at during the final battle and sequences of Remake – the fate of MULTIPLE Planets, across a multiverse of sorts, are now at stake. In fact, intentional or not, I saw this as a sort of love letter to the original fans of FF7 – the story we all know and love, it still exists, as a separate Universe.

Better still were the enhancements and improvements to the side and character stories, and your influence with your team that comes with it! Every side quest with one of your team, as well as conversation choices you make in timed conversation responses, increases or, potentially, decreases your influence and standing with them, a far more traditional RPG element that’s been around since at least Knights of the Old Republic, and made to work extremely well for Rebirth.

She is so…so bored…bored right out of her brain….

We get to learn so much about the main cast that we never got to learn before, and yet despite it all being ‘extra,’ it fits perfectly with the narrative, enhancing and improving upon an already strong formula, and even fixing some short-comings from the original game.

Moments I have to highlight include:

  • Yuffie’s random singing throughout the game
  • Cloud’s experience with the Midgar 7th Infantry in Junon
  • Red XIII’s attempt to be ‘human’ on the cruise to Costa del Sol
  • The portayal of Golden Saucer and its homage to Disney parks
  • Tifa’s unexpected early experience in the lifestream
  • Aerith’s speech at Cosmo Canyon
  • The build-up to arriving at Nibelheim, with Tifa and Cloud supporting one another as they nervously drew closer
  • Tifa and Aerith’s friendship further blossoming! (Yes, I still ship it!)

And I can’t just briefly mention this: I have to focus a bit on the whole “Big Date” at Golden Saucer! Who chooses you upon your second visit to Golden Saucer is a direct result of the influence you’ve built up with your team, and for my playthrough, that turned out to be Tifa! I expected this to be something different and better than the original, but I was blown away by it all, in particular by the theater performance! First, getting to see Jessie’s recorded performance was such a tear-jerker, and then the virtual interactive performance was so well done compared to the rather corny original version. And that ending? Especially with Aerith singing, and that brief glimpse of Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie? I was in tears, and I loved every moment of it!

Speaking of Aerith, I once wrote that she was the first ‘person,’ albeit fictional, that I ever fell in love with…well, Rebirth made me fall in love with her all over again. Her personality, her antics, watching her learn what it means to be a Cetra and honing her powers at the Ancient Temple was fantastic!

Which made the rather confusing and tumultuous ending soooo hard to deal with. The roller coaster of emotions that came from thinking she was alive, to thinking she was dead, then alive, then dead, then totally uncertain when Nanaki felt her presence… I don’t know exactly what to think now, and I HAVE to find out if she’s really alive or not in game 3!

But Not All Was Perfect…

So if I have so many positive notes and good things to say about Rebirth (and I feel like I’m forgetting a lot…), then why the lower score?

To put it succinctly…there was TOO much in Rebirth. Too many side quests, too many interruptions to the main story (we would spend sometimes 10 or 15 hours in between progressing the story!), and for crying out loud, way too many mini games! More than that, sooooo many of the mini games were beyond frustrating or flat-out annoying!

The dreaded Queen’s Blood card game…

The worst offender was the common, central mini game throughout, the damned card game, Queen’s Blood! I honestly do not understand why so many people love card mini games in video games (I despise Gwent), and the fact that they made Queen’s Blood so important to completing all of the side quests and story lines in Rebirth annoyed the hell out of me. I hate the idea of your ability to win being completely dependent upon luck of the draw (there’s a reason I don’t gamble!) And nothing drove this distaste home more completely than the final card game against the evil queen herself. I had to turn to the internet to figure out the best deck build just to have a chance to take her on, and then, thanks entirely to bad luck on what cards were drawn, it still took me 8 or 9 tries just to beat her!

Other annoying mini games included pretty much every mini game in Costa del Sol, especially the pirate shooter (I can’t pull the trigger that rapidly for that long on the PS5’s new controller design, it’s waaaay too much resistance, and is practically impossible for anyone with joint issues); some of Chadley’s battle simulations (one in particular in which my entire team was constantly ‘locked’ in stone and then killed off); a lot of the side games that were attached to the protorelic quests (the cactuar ones were particularly annoying); and most of the ‘catch the chocobo!’ mini-games.

Not to say all of the mini-games were bad – I’ve already mentioned that the chocobo racing was fantastic, the piano playing was mostly fun, and I loved how they did the formation maneuvers in Junon compared to the original! But there were many that were just…okay. And sooo many that just annoyed the hell out of me, and as I mentioned before, SOOO MANY. I grew increasingly frustrated having to do so many mini-games that by the end, even if I was forced to do another variation of a mini-game that I loved, I was fed up and didn’t want to do it. I wanted to just get the story moving forward again, but the completionist in me struggled to move on. As it is, I never finished the Golden Saucer Queen’s Blood games, I was absolutely done with those ‘gimmick’ matches.

Sensory overload, anyone?

I also found the final battle royale against Don Corneo and his thugs to be beyond annoying, particularly due to the absolute sensory overload – sound mixing in that arena was horrific! The announcers wouldn’t SHUT UP, combined with EVERYone in the team fighting a rather LARGE crowd of mobs. It was sensory overload, and as a neurodivergent, I hated it (and so did my wife).

There was just…too much extra all around throughout the game, and it disrupted the narrative too much. I didn’t feel this way at all in Remake, the side quests were worked very well into the main story narrative, and the narrative as a whole felt tighter and more focused in Remake. As much as I loved being able to explore “The Planet” more, I felt like it did more harm than good. Then again…maybe if there hadn’t been so many mini-games, I wouldn’t feel that way (and probably would have cut the game down to 70 or 80 hours instead of 90 to 100).

And then…there’s Zack…

Was Zack’s Story Really Necessary?

After working up to being sold on the idea of Zack surviving at the end of Remake, and with Rebirth starting from his perspective in a rather confusing manner, I found Zack’s story to be…lacking. Pointless, even. I know, some of you will call me a blasphemer for saying that (one friend in particular, Hannah, absolutely loves Zack), but from a narrative perspective, he was just kinda…thrown in there half-assed.

I get that it was important to show that he was in an alternate universe, and thus establishing that there WERE alternate universes, and somehow Biggs was teleported to one, thus establishing that transportation between the universes was possible.

But Zack’s interludes in the alternate universe were spaced so incredibly far apart, and lasted for such a short amount of time, that nothing was ever accomplished in them, and they felt like pointless interludes. Seriously, the one and only time that anything truly meaningful was accomplished in the alternate universe was when Cloud went there and got the Holy materia from the alternate Aerith. Which didn’t involve Zack AT ALL.

Zack helps Cloud fight in the Alternate Universe…but why?

And then Zack coming back to ‘help’ Cloud fight Sephiroth was just…fan service, and shallow fan service at that. Especially when he ended up right back in that alternate universe at the end, without anything apparently having been changed or accomplished for him.

Now, knowing how important the AU is to Aerith’s story and Sephiroth’s intent to use the multiverse in a ‘reunion’ to gain power, I feel like this could have all been accomplished by instead giving us a view of Biggs’s story in that Universe. I wanted more of that. But even then, it would have had to be more meaningful and impactful, and actually had Biggs change the course of fate somehow, maybe even making it back into the ‘main’ universe somehow. Hell, if Zack had ended up in the ‘main’ universe at the end, that would have been something!

Zack’s story just felt like…lazy writing. An afterthought, in an attempt to satisfy the Zack fans. Which considering how masterfully the rest of the main story was, is shocking as hell, but then, no one’s perfect, right?

Final (Fantasy) Thoughts

All around, the 7/10 (damn near 8/10) could have been a 9 or 10/10, and game production time could have been reduced, had they not spent so much effort and time on mini-games and unconnected sub-plots. And I’m super annoyed to read that the DLC that’s expected to come soon will be focused on Queen’s Blood.

I don’t see myself replaying this game nearly as much as I have Remake.

…But I will replay it again.

Despite the frustrations and short-comings, the positives really, really helped make up for it! The story and the characters were wonderful, and the voice acting was absolutely superb, even for minor characters! I’ll come back to Rebirth at least a couple of times. For now, I’ll take a good long break from it, and not feel bad about it. And I’ll likely skip the DLC if it truly is focused on Queen’s Blood.

Now I just have to wait for the third and final installment of this remake trilogy…and I do so with intense excitement and anticipation! I hope the developers learn from their mistakes, and build on their strengths, and make the conclusion to this incredible and heart-felt trilogy truly something masterful!

I’m optimistic about it…how ’bout you?

Thanks for reading!
-Jon Wasik

VtW ShowX Live Interview Tomorrow!

Hey everyone!

Want to hear more about my new book releases?  Want to see what they look like?  Want to just kick back and relax and join us for some fun chat?

Check out VtW Production’s ShowX tomorrow!  Beck and I will be guests on Wayne and Ken’s show tomorrow start at noon Mountain Standard Time!

The show has a new live stream location, through Twitch, so be sure to click the link below to find your way there!

VtW ShowX Live Stream

Hope to see you all on the channel!

Print Editions Are Fully Online

If any of you went looking for the print editions of my new novels, you may have had difficulties during certain times…Amazon KDP was extremely delayed and kept encountering issues in which the books disappeared from amazon.com and then reappeared later.

They’re finally settled in, and available for purchase along with the Kindle editions!  And if you want both, be sure to buy the print edition first, as you then get a significant discount on the kindle edition!

Thanks for reading :)
-Jon Wasik

Writing Is Stress Relief

Hi everyone!

Life has become completely crazy this year, especially in the past few months since we had to move (and not exactly by choice, either.)  Between the chaos and craziness that has been my day job this year, wedding planning, and moving, I’ve found myself with very little time and energy to write, or do much of anything writing-related.

It suddenly occurred to me how much I missed writing, and how I’ve had few good methods to help relieve stress.  I remember one afternoon, while we drove to the grocery store, I turned to my fiancee and said, “I really need to find time to write regularly again.”  It was out of the blue, but I figured there had to be some reason I felt compelled to say it.

And not long after, I realized why: writing is one of my biggest outlets.  One of my biggest stress relief avenues.  In fact in recent years, it has become the biggest.  I no longer sing in choir, haven’t in years, and I don’t read as much as I’d like to, especially in the past 2 or 3 years.  But writing, that has been my constant.

Even after we finish unpacking, the craziness isn’t likely to end anytime soon, we still have a long ways to go in our wedding planning, and work isn’t going to let up anytime soon.

While TV and video games still provide some outlet, they still don’t have the affect on me that writing does.  They aren’t as powerful an outlet.  They help me wind down at the end of the day, which is needed, but they aren’t writing.

Why Is It So Powerful?

I don’t really have a definitive answer to that question, but maybe we can figure it out right now.  Storytelling has been a constant in my life, ever since I was a small child telling wild stories to my Great Grandma Marcis.  It was fun.  And then in 5th grade, I wrote my first short story, and have been hooked on writing ever since.

But somewhere after that, writing definitely became more than just a fun obsession.  Just like choir, just like reading, just like video games, it allowed me to shut out the rest of the world and become engrossed in something else.  With choir, when I sang, the world around me disappeared and my entire Universe became the director, the choir, and the audience.  When reading, the characters on the page were my entire Universe.  Same with video games.

Image Source – http://finalfantasy.wikia.com

But then, that still doesn’t explain why writing does more for me than any of those other outlets.  It certainly didn’t always.  I still remember how obsessed I became with Final Fantasy 7 when I first discovered it.  Same with EverQuest.

I think it wasn’t until I moved to Colorado, when I finally broke a 4-year writer’s block and finished book one of the Sword of Dragons, that writing became something far more for me.

In the past 5 years, I’ve written 3 complete novels and am developing many more.  The development, the writing, the publication process, it all makes me so happy!  I obsess over my stories (ask my fiancee, once I get on a tangent about a story, I don’t stop talking about it!) and they feel like they need to be told.  And that I need to be the one to tell them!

It’s my way of giving back to the world, I think, while at the same time giving myself something.  I’m able to satisfy both my need for stories, both to experience and to tell, while giving the world stories.

Image Source – http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Last_Jedi

Recently when watching the latest trailer for Star Wars The Last Jedi, it reminded me how great stories make me feel.  And I love being able to make others feel that way.  Maybe my stories aren’t as great as Star Wars – that’s not for me to decide.  But who knows, someday, maybe someone will fall in love with my stories the same way I fell in love with Star Wars, or Star Trek, or Lord of the Rings.

That would be truly amazing :)

Thanks for reading, everyone!
-Jon Wasik

Audition for the Explorers Wanted Contest!

Hi everyone!

I know this article isn’t about writing, but I just had to share this :D

Image Source - bioware.com
Image Source – bioware.com

I don’t know how many of you are gamers, but not long ago, the company Bioware, makers of such awesome games as Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect, announced a contest: fans could submit audio auditions for a possible role in the upcoming video game, Mass Effect Andromeda!  Click here to read more about it!

Now I have no experience in actual voice acting, but I do have practice with my voice from over 14 years of choir.  Beyond that, I’ve been complimented often on my voice impressions of various movie, TV, and video game characters.  I have also been (slowly) working on an audio book for The Sword of Dragons.  So I thought…what the hell, why not?

Armed with a mic that Wayne of VtW Productions has graciously let me borrow, I set to practicing.  In the contest, we could choose from both scripts, so I practiced both, hoping that I could submit both so that they might see the diversity in my voice.

Image Source - wall.alphacoders.com
Image Source – wall.alphacoders.com

Unfortunately, the rules are very vague about whether or not I could submit for both scripts or only one, and most entries on YouTube were only one of the scripts.  So a couple of nights ago (with only 5 hours left on the deadline,) I recorded my best take, and submitted it!

And then I thought…why not share it with others to get people’s thoughts?  I mean, the contest deadline has passed and I’ve already submitted, but I have threatened to do a vlog on here once before…so why not start with just a voice, and see what you all think?

As a primer, the instructions were to read the lines of only the indicated character, not both characters in the dialogue, so that’s what I did.  But just so you all aren’t wondering what the heck is going on while listening, I’ve attached the script I read from.

Click here to read the first script

And beyond that…here goes.  My entry into the Explorers Wanted contest…  *gulp*  I hope you all enjoy!

Click Here (or the image below) to hear my entry!

Image Source - masseffect.com
Image Source – masseffect.com

Please leave comments either here or on YouTube to let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading (and listening)!!  :)
-Jon Wasik

Coming Soon – Maps of Halarite!

Hey there, everyone!

I have some incredible, long-awaited news – the maps of Halarite are nearly finished!  Well, actually, they are finished, the drawing aspect anyway.  My friend Chloe has been hard at work on them for quite some time, and this past week gave me the completed products!

So what’s left on them?  Firstly, she intentionally left any and all labels off of the maps so that I could add them in digitally.  So I will begin work on that soon.  Secondly, I might play around with adding in post-processing effects to give it that parchment paper look.

Maps and World Building

Image Source - http://www.gradhacker.org
Image Source – http://www.gradhacker.org

I’ve always loved old maps and old globes.  In fact I have a globe that my Grandpa gave me when I was a teenager, and while I can’t seem to find an actual date on the globe, based on countries shown on it, it predates 1945.

middle-earth-mapAnd then there are fantasy maps.  From the first time I got my hands on a cloth Everquest map back when the game first came out, I was hooked on fantasy maps.  I’m super sad to say that I do not know what happened to that cloth map :( But since then, I’ve become a bit of a collector.  Somewhere in my boxes, I have paper maps of several EverQuest realms, four Elder Scrolls areas (including Shivering Isles), and my most favorite piece, a giant map of Middle Earth framed and hanging on my wall :D

So naturally, when I first started developing what would one day become The Sword of Dragons, I began drawing my own map.  I knew it wasn’t nearly high enough quality to ever publish in the novels, but it gave me a consistent point of reference I could use.

worldofwarcraftmapThat way whenever I talk about where the characters go, and where they are in relation to other locations, I can keep it consistent.  Keeping consistent within my world has been one of my greatest goals, and having a map to reference has been a big help!

I know as a reader, I love having maps to reference, so that is why I am so excited to show everyone the maps when they are finished!  And beginning with The Orc War Campaigns anthology when it is released, the relevant maps will show up in every book from here on out for all of you, my awesome readers :D

So what’s your favorite map?  Real-world, fantasy, sci-fi, anything, tell me, and better yet, show me!  Post links in the comments, and let us all see your favorite cartographs :D

Thanks for reading!
-Jon Wasik


Pssst.  Wanna see a sneak peak?  Yeah?


I’ll Be On The Show X Podcast This Weekend!

Hi everyone!

I have some exciting news: I’ll be interviewed on VtW Production’s Show X once again this coming weekend!  :D  Hosted by the ever-enthusiastic Wayne (and he has the hair to prove it ;) ) and his co-host Ken, Show X is a podcast dedicated to everything geek related.  While the website itself says it focuses on technology and games, pretty much anything geek goes (which is why a fantasy writer like me is welcomed in :D )

interview1So check us out this Sunday, 24 January at 2PM EST, 7PM GMT (for those who live in the mountain time zone with me, that’s Noon :) ).  We’ll of course talk a bit more about where I’m at with the Sword of Dragons series, but there will also be lots of fun geekery involved!

To make your lives easier, here are links to where you can listen or WATCH the show live!  Yes, you can watch it as it airs :D

To listen, go to http://www.vtwproductions.com/ and on the left side there will be an audio play button, just click that a couple minutes before the show starts, and you should be good.

To watch the show live on youtube, go to their youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/versustheworldvideo and you should see the ‘current show’ at the top.

See you all out there!
-Jon Wasik

Trials and Triumphs – Looking Back at 2015, Looking Ahead to 2016

Hi everyone!

In about 10 hours where I live, 2015 will officially be over.  And what a year it has been.  It was one of the most exciting years of my life, and simultaneously one of the most difficult.  But rather than spend an entire post reminiscing on the past, I want to only briefly touch on it…and then look forward.

For that is what many consider to be the best part about a new year: starting with a blank slate.  Leaving the past behind, and marching courageously into a brave new future.


2015 – The Year I Became Published

Cover by Christian Michael
Cover by Christian Michael

Without a doubt, my greatest triumph this year was publishing The Sword of Dragons.  My first published novel!!!  :D  Even now, it feels almost unreal.  I’ve been writing for nearly 20 years, so to finally have a book out there…it is just an incredible feeling.

While sales did not end up being what I hoped, they have begun to pick up again as word is finally starting to spread.  And I end 2015 with more copies in the hands of readers than I anticipated!

gamefest-jokeOther highlights this year included reaching over 100 followers, attending the Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention in Los Angeles (and meeting fellow author Lily Gunning!), being interviewed on Show X from VtW Productions, attended VtW’s Gamefest (totally incredible, and sooooo looking forward to the next one), and started the brand-new Orc War Campaigns series for Sword of Dragons.

All in all, so much good happened this year.  While heartbreak overshadowed much of the 2nd half of the year, even that has subsided, and I am glad to say that I am in a happy relationship with a wonderful, gaming-geek, sci-fi/fantasy loving, gorgeous woman :)

Triumphs were made, hard lessons were learned, but in all, I look back at 2015 in awe…

Braving 2016

Image source - earthlightacademy.blogspot.com
Image source – earthlightacademy.blogspot.com

While 2015 saw the publication of my first novel, I am stepping up my game a bit for 2016.  Coming in January, I am going to start releasing, free of charge, a series of short stories set in the Sword of Dragons universe called the Orc War Campaigns.  These stories take place right after the first novel, and will lead into the 2nd novel, Burning Skies.

As long-time readers of my blog know, Burning Skies is already written and proofread, all that’s missing is a cover.  Which brings me to another goal I have for early 2016 – crowdfunding for book 2.  More details will be coming on that soon :)

galaxyfestOther goals: I am looking into attending more conventions, including possibly getting a booth at them to sell my books.  I also am looking into a book signing at one of my favorite coffee shops in the area :D  and I also wish to start getting The Sword of Dragons on actual bookshelves, via consignment.  Local to Denver, the Tattered Cover supports local authors in this manner, and will also host book signings :D

And finally, something I have slacked on for over a year – I wish to focus more on the blog community.  While I’ve tried to be consistent on getting content onto my own blog, I have not participated in many other blog communities like I did in 2014.  There are so many incredible and wonderful people out there that I met in 2014, and I wish to regain contact with them, and meet more!

The hard part will be time, all of this will require so much time, and that has been my biggest bane this year.  My life has become increasingly busy, and I’ve had to make sacrifices in areas that I wish I had not been forced to.

In a way, I wish we still lived in an era of patrons of the arts.  Hey, anyone out there want to become my patron, so I can quit my I.T. job and write for a living?  ;)

That seems like a lot of big goals, with a lot of work ahead of me.  Whew.  But I’m determined, and with clear-set goals, perhaps I can reach them.

Final Thank You To All of You!

To anyone who is reading this, thank you for following my blog, for any past comments, and for all of the encouragement so many of you have given in 2015.

See you all in 2016!

-Jon Wasik

VtW Gamefest – Geeks Know How to Party!

Hey everyone!

Geeks do it best.  There’s just no way around it :)  And this weekend, I was lucky enough to get to go to VtW Production’s Gamefest, a weekend-long LAN (Local Area Network) party hosted by Wayne!

The setup for Gamefest
The setup for Gamefest

A few weeks back, I had written an article about rediscovering my creative roots, including gaming.  Well, I finally was able to dive in head-first!  :D  Granted none of them were story-driven games, but it was a blast!

Plus, it was soooooo needed.  A weekend away from everything else, just hanging out with fellow geeks, gaming, drinking, and all around having fun!  While yes, it was a LAN party, it was so much more than that.  Half of the time, I was upstairs getting to know all of these amazing people, folks I wish I’d met a long time ago.

Fellow Geeks of the World – Unite!

I am not exaggerating – every single one of the persons I met this weekend are truly amazing – full-on geeks who are not afraid to show it, confident and fun-loving.  No joke, I found out that there is an actual training academy in the Denver area for learning how to fight with a lightsaber!

Alcohol and twister – not necessarily a good idea, but definitely amusing!

From computer engineers to nurses, people from every facet of life came together for the common cause of gaming and enjoying one another’s company.  Not to mention twister!

I also discovered the amazingly fun, but oh-so inappropriate game known as Cards Against Humanity.  So much fun that we stayed up until about 4AM playing!!  (Warning – not a game for kids, or for the easily-offended!)

Plus we had some amazing cooks at the party!  Sure there was plenty of junk food – pizza, candy, chips, salsa.  Oh but the salsa wasn’t just store-bought, Wayne made some home-made in a crock pot.  And then there were home-made cupcakes.  And chicken dumplings.  Sooooo much good food everywhere!

The Games of Gamefest

Then there was the gaming.  Upstairs was an awesome rig setup for Rock Band, so I got to rediscover drumming (and learned I am embarrassingly out of practice!)  Downstairs, well, lots and lots of incredible machines chugging away at some fantastic games, almost all of which I had never played before.

Including the new Star Wars Battlefront beta!!

The graphics really are this good!
The graphics really are this good!

While full of glitches, it IS the beta.  The graphics were amazing, and the gameplay was intense!  It was also the first time I’d ever played a game that actually required you to download the latest drivers for your video card, they wanted to ensure as few problems as they could.

The downside, though, was that the ability to get into the same game as your group of friends was glitchy, at best.  I hope they fix that in the final release!

Call_of_Duty_Black_Ops_II_box_artworkWe also played a fair bit of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, a game I had never played before.  I learned very quickly that whatever skills I thought I had in FPS games, they were nothing compared to these veterans!

In fact, if I had to come up with a kill ratio, I’d say it was probably 10 of my deaths to one kill.  :-/  But the most important part was that it was a blast, and playing the game with these awesome folks meant that no one was childish about it, and we all had fun, no matter our skill level!

And finally, there was Tribes: Ascend.  I had never played Tribes before, but THIS was a fun game.  Seriously, check it out, and make sure you look into learning the ski function in it – that’s what sets it apart!

We also played a bit of Left 4 Dead 2, that was so much fun to have a full 4v4 team going!  I love playing the monsters in the game, heheh.  I also saw others playing Wareframe, which has sparked my curiosity into it.

Then I was introduced to Chris Roberts’s newest upcoming, totally crowd-funded game Star Citizen.  This is an incredibly ambitious video game in the works, and the results are already amazing!


Imagine hopping into your ship, heading into battle with some friends.  There’s a large enemy ship.  Want to capture it?  Board it, hop out of your ship, grab your gun, and begin the invasion.  I really want to look into it some more, I only saw glimpses, but the details and the mechanics seemed really awesome.

An Exaustingly Relaxing Weekend

Little sleep, lots of fun, and a fair bit of alcohol – this was a totally exhausting weekend.  And yet, I’ve come out of it feeling more relaxed than I have in a long, long time.  For a couple of days, the past several months of trials and hardships were forgotten, and my nearly-depleted energy levels were refilled.

So kudos out to VtW Productions, to Wayne, and to everyone I met at Gamefest (You owe me a rematch, Lt4ork!! ;) )  Thank you all for an awesome weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all again!

Thanks for reading,
-Jon Wasik

PS: Gamer Geeks ;) (Thanks Tara for posting this image!)gamefest-joke

A Powerful Beginning – The Sword of Dragons Web Series

Hi everyone!

I am so excited to announce that I’ve finally begun writing the new web series for The Sword of Dragons!  Yeah!  :D

Image Source - background-kid.com
Image Source – background-kid.com

I don’t have a GOOD title yet, but the working title is “The Orc Campaigns”.  But what I really love about this beginning is how much it surprised me, with how powerful it is.

Yes, me, the writer who was planning this story, was shocked by how I started it.  It happens.  I love it when a story I’m working on takes me in wonderful, unexpected directions :D

cardin2Although the key characters of TSOD (or should I write it out as TSoD?) are Cardin, Sira, Reis, and Dalin, I didn’t plan on focusing all of the new series on them, and so I actually start with a brand new character, one whom isn’t seen in books 1 or 2 (but I am definitely bringing him into later novels.)

And I’m about to introduce a second new character, one of those wrongly imprisoned by new laws set in place by Prince Beredis (for reference, see chapter 12 “Not Yet King” in The Sword of Dragons).  I think she’s going to be a fun character to write, too.  Don’t worry, more info on just who they are will be coming soon :)

The Importance of the Beginning

I don’t know about all of you, but for the most part, once I start reading a story, I have to finish it.  But only if I get past the very beginning.  That very beginning has to hook me somehow, whether through simple curiosity or by exciting my imagination.  One of my favorites:

“Man,” said Terl, “is an endangered species.” – Battlefield Earth

But the stories that really hook me at the beginning?  Those that create powerful emotional reactions in me.  Those that stir feelings – the stronger, the more likely it’ll hook me.

Image Source - www.stargate-sg1-solutions.com
Image Source – http://www.stargate-sg1-solutions.com

The beginning of the 2009 Star Trek movie, for instance, or Guardians of the Galaxy.  Well, Guardians did it in two ways, first with the emotional beginning, and then with the comical follow-on.  I LOVE stories that mix the two well (Stargate SG-1 anyone?  :) )

So I’m hoping the beginning of this new story will hook others in a similar way.  As the writer, it has me hooked, and that is just as important, if not more so.  I’ve noticed that stories I write only because I have to (IE: back when I was in college) were never very well written, because I didn’t care about them or the characters.  But when I am invested in the characters…I think that’s a recipe for magic :D

Your Turn!

When it comes to the beginning of a story, whether a novel, movie, TV show, video game, anime, what ever your choice, what are your favorite beginnings?  Please leave your favorites in the comments below!  :)

Thanks for reading!
-Jon Wasik

Rediscovering My Creative Roots – Novels, Games, Movies

Hi everyone!

I know, 10 days since my last blog article, such a slacker :/  No worries, I won’t make any excuses…not like Han Solo here.

Image Source - vox-cdn.com
Image Source – vox-cdn.com

(Yeah, I’m just a little excited about the upcoming new Star Wars movie :D )

Which brings me to the actual point of this article – rediscovering my roots.  Novels, movies, video games.  Okay, so when I say discovering my roots, I mean my creative roots, my sources of inspiration.

I know I’ve mentioned them all in the past, but what I’ve not talked about is how I’ve lost touch with many of them lately.  I’ve spent so much time doing other things over the past year that I’ve read maybe 5 books in the past 12 months (an insanely low number for me), and played even fewer video games.

And these have always been fantastic sources of creative inspiration for me in the past.  Not the only ones, mind you, but I feel like I’ve strayed very far away from an important part of who I am: stories.

That’s why I watch movies, and read novels, and play video games.  Yes, even video games.  I hardly play them for the challenge, it’s the story I love :D

Must One Be Inspired In Order to Inspire?

Before anyone thinks otherwise, I’m not saying these are the only things that inspire me or make me happy, not by a long shot.  But I have felt like I’d lost a lot of my inspiration, and am only now rediscovering and rekindling that inspiration.

I mean, come on, I produced an entire novel in 3 months once (but it still needs some revision.)  Now…well when was the last time I wrote and finished a novel?  Last year.

Last.  Year.

Image source - google.com
Image source – google.com

That’s horrendous for me.  I used to write 9 novella-length stories a year when I was producing my fan fiction series.  Now it’s been over a year since I actually wrote a novel.

Is it because of my lack of inspiration lately?  I do know that I’ve begun to slowly immerse myself back into creative works, such as novels, movies, and even a little bit of gaming again.  And what has happened as a result?  I’ve finished all prewriting work on book 3 of The Sword of Dragons, and I’ve begun production of a series of short stories (okay, let’s face it, they’ll end up as novellas most likely, lol.)

But still no writing.  Until today.  Today, I’ve done just a little bit of actual writing, for the first time in what feels like forever.  And it was exhilarating!!!!  :D

The Power of Geekdom

So it’s no secret, I love these three creative sources.  But it goes soooo far beyond that.  It’s the people, the attitudes, the spirit, the culture.

Image Source - RMFW.org
Image Source – RMFW.org

That’s something I also started to discover before my slump.  When I started this blog, I went to the Colorado Gold Conference (writers are geeks in their own right :D ) and the Denver Comic Con.  It was so fantastic to meet up with and chat with people who understood and loved the same things I did.

Denver Comic Con 2014

So, as I continue to rediscover all of my sources of inspiration, I think I’ll start immersing myself in the culture yet again.  I have some pretty awesome friends who can help with that, one of whom comes to mind is the same man who interviewed me for his podcast on VtW Productions, Wayne.  He’s hosting a gaming weekend at his house in a few weeks, and I’m really looking forward to meeting and hanging out with a bunch of fellow gamer geeks :D

Anywho, I’d write more, but…frankly, I want to get back to writing the story I started earlier :)  So until next time, I’ll see you all later!

Game on, read on, watch on, and never ever lose sight of what makes you who you are.
